Köstliche Thunfischbananen

animated by the wiki chip discussion I am doing research on hypertext cyborg a while scanning through connected entities I encountered tunabananas delicious ganglion concerning cyberstudies and cyberanthropology interesting theses in a state of flux

first hit on so called armchair anthropology what I would establish as flat back investagations that shall provide honest responses from and on subjects through in principle informal informative relationships [answering the following brief questions (all of the questions apply to the society or societies in which you have conducted fieldwork; if you have conducted fieldwork in multiple societies, just copy and paste the questions as many times as needed) :]

-“To this day, participant observation is a ritual that nearly every anthropologist must complete in order to secure a place in the discipline.”

-“Face-to-face interaction does bring something intangible.”

-“On the internet you only pay attention to what you want to pay attention to.”—–he seems very disciplined,to me information seems to have an inherent course intangibly

-“And there is the powerful force of serendipity, making unexpected connections for us which can only be discovered “in the field.””—–espacially by surfing multiple tags information can group in peculiar connections I perceive

-“Missionaries and colonial officers collected data in the field (often following manuals detailing how such data should be gathered), and scholars back in England compared and collected this data from all over the empire.”—–what would be the equivalent?

-“… do not necessarily provide the kind of data which would be necessary…”

-“I’m just pointing out that the capabilities exist to do this kind of study, and predicting that anthropologists will eventually figure out how to make use of it. I’m also hopeful that the de-centered nature of modern networks will mean that such future studies are conducted in an open and transparent way.”——–data-observating-participants using in field cyber frameworks (standartized input mask/software), teach indigene pupils to gather and convey appropriate information, anthropological agents (“:::::::)

Second hit on Baudelaire and schizoanalysis :the sociopoetics of modernism

-“In other words, networked art is less about what the texts says as much as what the text
does. The text is expressive of the network along which it flows. I haven’t provided
enough background, but this description of sociopoetic textuality echoes the ways in
which Sandoval defines her methodology of the oppressed.” (:)

-“The study deals with the kinetic, proxemic, implicit non-verbal manifestations and paralanguage of the clients in preoperative reception as perceived by the undergraduate and postgraduate students. The data resulted from dynamics using symbols that represent the body senses and the heart. The sociopoetic method through the technique of experiencing the sociocommunicative body, allowed for the reading of the individual and collective imaginary of the subjects codifying 46 expressions related to the sense of vision, 27 related to tact, 20 to hearing, 19 to smell and 14 to taste. The data analyzed and partially presented in the form of poetries highlight the subjectivity of the client. The teaching of these contents has allowed for the opening up of the students’ body senses in order to create this perception in nursing care. This also demonstrated to be contents that can be known, allowing for the invisibleness of gestures, positions, touches and sounds of the customer to be visible in interaction. Finally, the translation of the not-verbal communication can be considered a challenge originated in the body senses.” (:)

-“Sociopoetics: a theory of poetry as social force.”

-“Sociopoetics may resist the culture of publication but leans ever toward distribution. Persistent and ever-regenerative distribution is all but required in an age of ubiquitous information flows” (::)-“This is the first book to apply the principles of schizoanalysis to literary history and cultural studies. By resituating psychoanalysis in its socio-economic and cultural context, this framework provides a new and illuminating approach to Baudelaire’s poetry and art criticism. Professor Holland demonstrates the impact of military authoritarianism and the capitalist market (as well as Baudelaire’s much-discussed family circumstances) on the psychology and poetics of the writer, who abandoned his romantic idealism in favor of a modernist cynicism that has characterized modern culture ever since. ” (:)

-“One way in which Holland tries to simplify things for his readers is by
avoiding Deleuze and Guattari’s own terminology as much as is practically
possible; a tactic that, given the remit of the book, can only be beneficial
as Anti-Oedipus, from the opening pages onwards, tends to swamp the
first-time reader with neologisms and terms deployed in novel contexts.
This can put off many people, particularly those with more ‘traditional’
philosophical leanings. Admittedly the writing style and terminology also
tends to attract readers to Anti-Oedipus for much the same reason, but
even for this latter group, Holland’s attempt to cut this down can have
advantages, as this approach helps to situate Deleuze and Guattari within a
broader tradition by translating their concepts into a different idiom. The
terminology which he does retain (such as the body without organs) is
clearly and carefully analyzed.
Holland not only restricts himself to the one book, but also limits his
approach to Anti-Oedipus to an elucidation of schizoanalysis as a form of
materialist psychiatry which takes psychoanalysis to the point of
autocritique, and then brings its critical apparatus to bear upon society.
Whilst this inevitably means that some readers will be disappointed by
what has been missed out (the wealth of material drawn from biology and
literature spring immediately to mind), it does have the benefit that Holland is able to give a thorough explanation of what is arguably the main
element of the book: the ‘attempt to negotiate or forge relations among
Freud, Marx, Nietzsche’ (Holland, p. 4). He shows how a relationship is
developed between Freud’s concept of libido and Marxist labour-power
via Nietzsche’s will to power, and that this is not a grand synthesis, but
rather a set of reciprocal correctives. Schizoanalysis is then able to
transform Marxist political economy into social production, and
psychoanalysis into desiring production, analyzing the former in terms of
industrial privatization and the latter in terms of the nuclear family. These
are identical in nature, but different in régime, being isolated under
capitalism via the process of alienation.” (:)

-” As Deleuze and Guattari put it, flux is the essential is-ness of
the universe. And it has remained so despite its being oppressed by
the “stratum” whose function is territorialization: to give form and
to control, “imprisoning intensities, locking singularities into
systems.” The subject beyond Oedipus, the non-Oedipal subject,
the resisting subject, fluent and undefinable is schizophrenic by
nature, schizophrenic being a static-noun imposed by psychoanalysis
to all of those who resist “coding” by its “totalizing theory.” A
“totalizing theory, as defined by Alan Taylor in his “Wanderings
and Reflections on Deleuze and Guattari,” is an all-powerful,
fascist-like construction of the world to which we must adapt (by
allowing our own territorialization via its enforced codes) and
sheepishly believe. Architecturally speaking, such construction is
pyramidal. A progressive building of cities, laws and cathedrals (or
skyscrapers) which are the representational, Platonic double of the
vertical evolutionary-genealogical chain .” (:)

-” It is worth noting at the outset that my project, loosely termed schizoanalysis, was never conceived as a self-enclosed field. Far from being another “psy,” what I have to offer is something humbler in its aims and broader in its scope. The schizoanalytical project is more modest because it does not necessarily require an institutional foundation; it is already present here and there, in an embryonic form and in various modalities. It is also broader in that it has the potential for becoming a discipline for reading other systems of modelization — not as a general model, but as an instrument for deciphering systems of modelization in various other fields or, to put it somewhat differently, as a meta-model. One may object to this proposition on the grounds that there is a fine line between model and meta-model. And indeed, in a sense it is true that subjectivity always emerges from meta-modelization activity (in this case, from the transfer of modelization, transversal passages between different sorts of problems).” (:)

-“The task of schizoanalysis goes by way of destruction — a whole scouring of the unconscious, a complete curettage. Destroy Oedipus, the illusion of the ego, the puppet of the superego, guilt, the law, castration. It is not a matter of pious destructions, such as those performed by psychoanalysis under the benevolent neutral eye of the analyst. For these are Hegel-style destructions, ways of conserving.”

-“The product of analysis should be a free and joyous person, a carrier of the life flows, capable of carrying them all the way into the desert and decoding them… Shit on your whole mortifying, imaginary, and symbolic theater. What does schizoanalysis ask? Nothing more than a bit of a relation to the outside, a little reality.” ( Anti-Oedipus Deleuze and Guattari :🙂

Schizoanalysis as philosophical imagination, as philosophical method

Third hit on trackbacks I´ll follow the next time I explore this node as I unfold and reorganize connections as sensibly as I might breathing in and out concentrating and meditating tension and relaxation

-“This project addresses some of the social and cultural factors influencing the development of the Internet in developing countries. The research focuses on the people who promote and influence the introduction and usage of the Internet in different institutional contexts. These cyberpioneers play an instrumental role in the development of the Internet, forming the social core of the transnational social networks, netscapes, of Internet users and developers. The research will elucidate what the Internet represents to these pioneers and how their activities and perceptions influence the expansion of the Internet in different social contexts. In order to capture the transnational reach of the Internet, the data gathering process will be conducted through multi-site fieldwork in Geneva, Malaysia and Laos, combined with extensive use of the Internet.” (:)——
As I compare myself once in a while to a developing country I might try to apply the given framework onto myself in a hypertext auto-cyberanthropology

-“We present an approach to adopt creativity techniques such as Brainwriting for web-based usage. Our solution facilitates the combination of individual activities, e.g., associating ideas with images”

-“…a function of the control exercised by each participant in a learning transaction, which varies from context to context and, learner to learner. This paper identifies and describes a type of e-learning environment wherein structure is derived from a dialogue-like process between its inhabitants, akin to that used by termites when building termite mounds. In such an environment, control is emergent, arising from the interactions and behaviours of its users. This suggests some general principles for the design of e-learning environments that both shape and are shaped by the communities that inhabit them.”

-” Early experiences reveal that clear policies, usability and reward systems are of importance when facilitating a learning network.”

-“The authors’ observations of university departments across the Atlantic reveal very limited uses of ICT. A democratic web-based academic departmental community model is proposed to assist in the strengthening of departmental identity and community as well as advancing its mission.”

-“It reports a teaching experiment where two groups of unqualified primary school teachers were given a course in teaching science. ”

-“The research explores and compares students’ perspectives and experiences of face-to-face and online collaborative learning using a Problem Based Learning approach in undergraduate Management Education for Early Years Education and Care Managers. The first research collected data on perceptions of learning outcomes achieved and reflective individual evaluations at key assessment points via questionnaire, on students’ views of the nature and delivery of the course through focus group discussions, on grades attained and on tutor reflections. While no differences were found in grades achieved or in self-reported attainment of course outcomes, collaborative learning was perceived more favourably by online learners than face-to-face learners and these online learners demonstrated a more rapid development of academic literacy.”

-“an interactive platform to share ideas, knowledge and insights in the form of concrete building projects among designers in different contexts and at different levels of expertise. Interaction with various user groups revealed two major thresholds: submitting project material to the platform takes time, effort, and specific skills; in addition, designers tend to sense a psychological threshold to share their ideas and insights with others.”

-“… suggests openness and transparency as two crucial requirements for effective tools. In particular, learning communities should be enabled to utilise any available information sources effectively and engage in artifact-centred discourse..” (::::::::)

Computer-Mediated Anthropologyindex_image009-1.jpg




human being

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Posted in cyberanthropolgy, cyborg, hypertext, Link, Weiterbildung

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