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the future is ours: ‘Do something. Interrupt the connection. Disconnect him.’

Most what i read online is trash and copy paste but your blog is different. Keep it like this.//Julietta Segal Using the tools of corporations to reprogram global society and distribute a new cultural operating system The financial elite engineered

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Posted in cyberpunk

slightly different frequency

software is not neutral. Different software embeds different philosophies, and these philosophies, as they become ubiquitous, become invisible….Is it really fulfilling our needs? Or are we reducing the needs we feel in order to convince ourselves that the software isn’t

Posted in cyberpunk


The tunnel people of Las Vegas (al) The Cocaine Trade “Life is all about timing… the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable… attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It’s all about timing.” – Stacey Charter “Small

Posted in collage, cyberpunk
wired at heart weird on top
Tears in Rain
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